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On the first day of Xmas, our friends at AG Hair were as busy as elves. Decorating stockings with beads and bows, they filled more than 400 stockings to hand out to dear people we know. Through the streets of the downtown eastside our volunteers roam handing out xmas stockings to women we know.

Dressed up as the Grinch and a Holiday elf, through shelters, Sorella House, and Rice Block we headed with a car stuffed with xmas wealth. Staff members at the houses greeted us with joy. Together we brought in boxes of stockings filled with tooth brushes, tooth paste, AG-Hair products and toys.

Bringing Stockings to shelter to hand out

The first door we knocked, with hesitation it was unlocked. “We wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!” we sang. Serenaded she was touched as she gentle took the stocking and said,”Thank you very much.”

Door after door we knocked, singing our Christmas carols, we rocked. Watching eyes light up with delight made us realize just how right the idea of giving is better than receiving – the joy we got was oh so pleasing.

165 stockings we handed out during our journey along this route. Excited to hand out more as the 2nd day of Xmas will have more in store. Thank you to all who have helped make our 12 Days of Xmas Campaign come true – we are so grateful to all of you!