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Every month our friends from Smell This visit our Beauty Night ladies. They set up a scent bar. For those who have never been to a scent bar, this is an opportunity to create your own “pure” fume. Smell This brings the essential oils and you are able to create your own scent.

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Every month, they visit our Beauty Night ladies. One of my favourite sights is seeing the ladies naming their “pure” fumes. As they sit around the round tables and decide which scents they love the most, they share names. “My Own Creation”, “Heavenly”, and “Tyla” are some of the names of “pure” fumes they created.

While the Scent Bar is in session, our Team Beauty Night volunteers are offering services. Hair cuts, foot care, manicures, mini facials, brow shaping and relaxation massage are some of the services offered by our volunteers. The conversations, the laughter and friendships that blossom during our events are the threads that build the tapestry of our community.

If you would like to join Team Beauty Night, our next volunteer orientations are:

January 27 in Surrey

February 5th in Vancouver