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What a fantastic week! There has been tons to celebrate! We’ve added some of the highlights in this newsletter. Thanks to our wonderful PR intern Adriana Ortega, you might want to check out our website. There have been tons of blog posts added – including several blog posts from volunteers, upcoming events and much more. There are so many events coming up and we are excited to share them with you.

** Volunteer Orientation is tonight at 6pm at DEWC 302 Columbia. Julia Pon will be coordinating tonight’s orientation. Please invite friends who might be interested in being part of team Beauty Night.

Huge thank you to our friends at Queen Elizabeth Secondary School for creating an award-winning
presentation about our cause. Thanks to their presentation and their support, they won $5000 for our
cause. The monies raised help us start Beauty Night programming in Surrey 4 times each month starting
in September 2012.

In The Media

The Vancouver Sun, The Province, West Ender, and Empowered Health (on Chek 6) are some of the places we have been featured this week. To read the article in the Sun (reprinted in the Province) please click here.
The video for Empowered Health segment can be seen here:

Hamilton Designs PJs for Beauty Night
Adriana Ortega, Jo Moore Hamilton and Caroline Mac
Gillivray pose with a sample of the softest PJs.

When volunteer Jo Moore Hamilton is not volunteering for Beauty Night, she is a fashion designer. Last week, we (our PR intern Adriana Ortega, Jo Moore Hamilton and I) met to talk about a limited edition collection created where part of the proceeds would be donated to our cause. The pajamas designed by her mother (Jo’s had a pair that she has had since she was 12yrs old!) may be named after beauty night ladies and the beautiful qualities about them. When one is wearing the PJs, there will be a note describing the qualities and how wearing the pajamas can make you feel. With some of the beautiful strengths many of our ladies have, we think you will sleep well knowing that part of the proceeds are going to our cause.

Beauty Night’s AGM 2012
On Tuesday, June 19th our programming with be rescheduled as our AGM will be taking place at 6pm. We will need volunteers to help with set up, meeting and greeting attendees, and to help the event run smoothly. Please let me know if you want to volunteer. If you are attending the AGM, please sign up. Please invite friends who might be interested in attending. Our AGM package is available on the invitation, please let us know if you are attending as we need to print out to package for attendees. Here is the invitation.

Shoes, Scent & networking! Looking forward to Beauty Night Scent Bar sponsored by Smell This Aromatherapy, Lord’s Shoes and Kirk Group. It will be a fantastic night of mingling, creating your own purefume and shoe shopping. 50% of the proceeds of your $25 ticket go to our cause. To purchase tickets, please visit