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This morning, more than 80,000 copies of Vancouver Foundation’s Magazine were distributed through the Vancouver Sun. On pages 16 and 17 is an article about Beauty Night Society. We are thrilled with the article and wanted to share the link with you in case you haven’t seen it yet.

From the article: “[Beauty Night founder Caroline] MacGillivray has seen many women walk out of the program with an improved attitude and become motivated to take better care of their health at home. “Being able to create an environment where the women feel safe, where they feel good about who they are, I think that’s really empowering,” she says. “And when you feel good about yourself, you start believing anything is possible. To see people taking care of themselves, where they felt hat they’re worth taking care of, it’s really exciting and beautiful.”

Vancouver Foundation also created a video that is airing at Vancouver Fashion Week between the shows. We have a booth there this week if you would like to come by and say hello! Thank you for all of your support! Here is a sneak peek.