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Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words to write and express how you feel. Sometimes, someone has said it better. Here are some wise words to ponder while thinking about what it is, at the core, that Beauty Night does for our clients. Confucius –...

Giving Thanks

It’s that time of year for Canadians where we gather with our family and friends and reflect upon what we are thankful for.  This is the time to acknowledge the positive aspects and influences in your life. Beauty Night Society has many wonderful people to...

Upcoming Programming Additions

We’ve started up Womyn’s Gym programming. The program is very engaging and promises to help our clients achieve some great goals. Next week we will be starting yoga classes as well. We are still looking for more fabric and yarn, sewers and knitters for our...

Beauty Night Stocking Drive 2008 Shot by the wonderful Bill Nevison. We’re having another stocking cutting session this Sunday for all those interested, please email for more information.


Hope is such a powerful word. One definition reads “To look forward to with confidence or expectation.” Hope is something many of our clients seem to lack. Hope is something that we at Beauty Night try and inspire, in our clients, our volunteers, and other...