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Ode to Laura by Caroline

Dressed up as Santa was I
When Rev dropped off 3 garbage bags
stuffed with knitted scarves.
“Ladies,” I announced, “Many
moons ago, my 11 year old cousin
wanted to volunteer all the time.
She wanted to help how ever she could
so she taught 50 kids how to knit.
The first year the kids made
40 scarves which we handed out.
For years and years,
this girl continued to get
kids to knit scarves to
keep people warm. Now
that she is in her 2nd year
of university, the knitting
project continues to grow. These
scarves (6 garbage bags full)
were made with love by kids
10, 11, and 12.
To keep you warm
and cover you in love.”
Touched each women
picked out a scarf
of her choice.

At the end of the night,
7 volunteers took delight
in handing out knitted love
to men and women
shivering in the streets.
Clean socks
warm scarves
friendly smiles
songs of love.

Thank you to all the
girls and boys
who knitted scarves
that created such love and joy.

Abundant in warmth
Hope and love keep us
Alive through out the night.

Video of Laura Mah, founder of Knit Fit