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I’m really excited to be part of the Christmas stocking design again this year for Beauty Night.
Last year I did a boot with a heel and thought of going in a new direction. That’s where the idea came for a more feminine looking stocking.

Beauty Night Stocking 2009 Pattern

Beauty Night Stocking 2009 Pattern

I’m was trying to go a an elegant foot in a panty hose idea but that may have gotten lost when the size was made much bigger than the average ladies leg. hahaha

We’ve had 2 cutting sessions with fabrics donated by local Vancouver residence. We started by transfering the original pattern onto manila and made 6 patterns. It was great having everyone busy at their own section tracing and cutting away. We had a couple of people take turns ironing the material as well. We decided to bundle them in sets of 10 making it easier to keep track of how many and to give them out to sew. I sewed up a few at the end of the day so that we could have samples for the students to see.

Beauty Night Stocking 2009 before they are sewn

Beauty Night Stocking 2009 before they are sewn

The following cutting session we didn’t have as much fabric but somehow managed to get about 80 stocking cut from what we had. There were lots ladies helping which made the day go by much quicker. We’re at around 300 stockings already cut, just waiting to be sewn.

With new fabric donations coming in this week we are all getting together again this weekend to have an other cutting session. Stay tuned for some photos of all of us at work so you can keep track of the whole process!

Beauty Night Stocking 2009

Beauty Night Stocking 2009