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Volunteer Coordinator: Lynda En

By day, Lynda En is the Coordinator of Programs for 411 Seniors Centre Society and by night (and sometimes the wee hours of the mornings) she is the Volunteer Coordinator for Beauty Night Society. She has a background in Economics and Political Science from the University of British Columbia. She bounced from working in the government, to teaching internationally, to managing projects in overseas business development, before she decided to devote the rest of her life to non-profit organizations that empower others. She is also a daughter of her heroes, a bookworm, a web developer, a volunteer, a Level 65 Shadow Priestess, a hiker and a foodie.
Lynda was scouted by Caroline’s aunt and joined Beauty Night Society in March 2013. Although she dabbles in working the front-lines, maintaining the website, raising awareness at special events, and recruiting volunteers, her primary role with the society is in coordinating volunteers. Lynda loves that her 200+ volunteers treats participants from all walks of life with dignity and respect, boosting the participant’s self-esteem. Sometimes that’s all they need to get up the next day.

In the future, Lynda hopes to pursue an MBA and come back to Beauty Night Society armed with new skills that the organization can make use of.